Monday, 21 February 2011

auld lang syne

I've just been listening to Susan Boyle's version of 'Auld Lang Syne' and it got me thinking. I remembered the new years party I went to: the happiness of everyone there, the atmosphere of the house and the vibes that resonated throughout the town. At the end of the party we all came together, linked arms and sang Auld Lang Syne - I captured that moment in one of my memory jars, it was beautiful. We proved, that night, that humanity can come together. We proved that humanity does know better. We proved that humanity wants to be better. I hate to waffle on about community spirit, but it was there that night and it was good. In those few minutes when we sang together, everyone knew everyone, everyone shared their deepest fears and their most coveted desires, all in one moment. It was fantastic.
Why is it then, that we choose to fight each other? Why, when we know everything can be so much better, do we so harshly disagree over the most insignificant things, resulting in the loss of life? Why are we ordinarily blinded, and only given sight on a particular day of the year? It is, when you look at it like that, ridiculous. Society has gotten so twisted and corrupt, that we cannot even remember the true human values until one measly day of the year! Why is this day so special? Why not December 25th - surely that is also a special day? As a Christian country one would expect this to be a very important day, yet it is outdone by fireworks and alcohol on new years. I just don't get it. We can be so much better, and we choose not to? It is all so illogical!
It is our duty to recognise that we've done wrong,  that society has fallen from the cobblestone road, and it is our duty to fix this. We make up the society that we complain about. Can one man make a difference? Hell yes.
Be the change you want to see in the world.

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